Feast of the Sacred Heart love

Feast of the Sacred Heart


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  • A Low Mass in the usus antiquior will be celebrated St Raphael's, Surbiton Portsmouth Road KT6 4EL for the Feast of the Sacred Heart this Friday at 7.30pm, followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament to celebrate the beginning of the 'Year of the Priesthood' called by Pope Benedict XVI.

    Sacred Heart: Mass at St Raphael's, Surbiton 2009

  • A Low Mass in the usus antiquior will be celebrated St Raphael's, Surbiton Portsmouth Road KT6 4EL for the Feast of the Sacred Heart this Friday at 7.30pm, followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament to celebrate the beginning of the 'Year of the Priesthood' called by Pope Benedict XVI.

    Archive 2009-06-01 2009

  • This year, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, I was thinking about the song I learned to sing at the age of five when I began to go to Sunday School at the little Methodist Church on Green

    Restoration Madonna House 2010


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